
Monday, March 12, 2018


Assistant Music Producer Program
Do you want to learn to produce music performances?

Assistant Music Producers will learn:
Leadership skills – greet students and families and direct other students where to sit, where to put their instruments, when it is their turn to perform
Organizing skills – put together performance schedules and carry them out on the day of the performance
Performance Tech skills – tune instruments, adjust mics and volume

Must be 12 years or older
Must attend lessons and practice regularly
Must attend each recital, arrive early for set up and leave late after tear down
Follow recital dress code:  dress pants and shirts (or a dress for ladies)

Job Descriptions:
Assistant Greeter – Greet families and students.  Roll out the carpet and help get chairs for the audience.  Direct students where to put instruments and where to sit.
Assistant Tuner – Help other students tune their guitars, ukuleles and help Ms. Tonya tune violins.
Assistant Strings Director – Direct strings students to get their instruments ready for their parts in the recital.  Keep them quiet while other students are performing.  Direct them when to stay quiet and when it’s okay to go back to their seats.
Assistant Tech #1 Adjust mics, music stands and chairs in between students.  Help students open books and put them on stands or on piano.
Assistant Tech #2 – Cue the music for each student and adjust the volume for music and mics.
Assistant Program Director- Help Ms. Tonya carry out the recital program schedule.  Prep students to when it is their turn, check names off the list after students have their turn, and help Ms. Tonya direct the other assistants.

This is a great learning opportunity and will look awesome on your resume!

Sign up with Ms. Tonya to become an A.M.P. today!