Monday, September 15, 2014

Cookies and Coffee Night

Cookies and Coffee Night

Do you ever ask yourself:

·        How do I get my child to practice?

·        How do other parents get their children to practice?

·        How many days/minutes should he practice? What should he practice?

·        What if my child wants to quit?

·        Can I cheer for my child at practice or at recitals like I cheer for her at their soccer games?

Here is your chance to meet other parents who believe in the importance of music in their children’s lives!

Find answers to these questions and everything you need to know about the World Music Theme and Incentive Game for the new year.

Eat cookies and drink coffee!

*Parents only – preferred. 

Choose a date and RSVP to Ms. Tonya:
Monday, September 29, 7:30 pm

Wednesday, October 1, 7:30 pm

1 comment:

  1. Cookies and Coffee Night is a cozy gathering to unwind and connect. Assignment help London provides a comforting solution, making moments enjoyable and stress-free for everyone involved.
